




NIC Course


Transformative Education Initiative Receives Resounding Support in Municipal Meetings

In recent meetings with Siddharthanagar Municipality and Butwal Municipality, an innovative education initiative spearheaded by Dr. Sushil Shrestha and Mr. Pratit Raj Giri has received significant support. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) at Siddharthanagar Municipality expressed a keen interest in the project’s implementation details and scalability, while Head Teachers showed enthusiasm for credit courses and obtaining degrees. Discussions also included inquiries about the course modality and the prospect of conducting Training of Trainers (ToT) sessions within the municipality for future trainers. Overall, there was a notable interest among participants, particularly Head Teachers, in enrolling for professional development.

In Butwal Municipality, the meeting delved into academic queries about the nature of the course and discussions on affordability. A Head Teacher emphasized the necessity of financial support from the municipality, expressing a willingness to contribute personally if supported. The CAO displayed a strong commitment to developing the capacity of Head Teachers, exploring possibilities for higher education, and reducing administrative workloads. The municipality pledged to explore course integration into the budget for the next year, with a follow-up planned to assess progress and decisions.

Furthermore, a meeting with the Education Training Center (ETC) showcased positive feedback on the course, discussions on policy alignment, and insights into the ETC’s Action Research modality. Potential collaborations on Digital Learning Research Labs were explored, indicating a broader impact on educational practices. These meetings collectively signify a promising alliance among educational stakeholders, marking a transformative journey for education in Gandaki Province.

Educational Initiative Gains Traction in Gandaki Province Meeting

In a recent meeting with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, Technology, and Social Development in Gandaki Province, a collaborative project aimed at improving education took center stage. With 12 male participants, the session focused on key discussions and presentations.

Under Secretary BhojRaj Neupane opened the meeting, followed by Dr. Sushil Shrestha introducing the project. A global team-produced video showcased the initiative, and Mr. Pratit Raj Giri presented project details.

Dr. Shrestha emphasized potential collaborations with local stakeholders, including Heads of Schools (HTs), local-level government, and the province government. The Education Development Directorate and Under Secretary were tasked with updating on past trainings and exploring collaboration possibilities.

EDCU Kaski expressed readiness to coordinate trainers after the project’s Training of Trainers (ToT). They highlighted the importance of need-based training for local-level governments.

Under Secretary Neupane noted the initiative’s positive impact, highlighting the absence of street children in Pokhara. Plans were discussed to present courses to all Heads of Schools soon.

The Education Development Directorate shared efforts to address challenges, such as providing sanitary pads for girls during Secondary Education Exams. Despite budget constraints, Gandaki Province committed to promoting the initiative in its 85 palikas.

Secretary stressed the workload on Heads of Schools and urged inclusion of the initiative in their meetings. Participants raised queries about the certification process for the 3-credit course, indicating growing interest.

Stakeholders indicated interest in working with several units of governmental offices for implementation, offering technical support to nearby towns, and executing the project outcomes in different schools. Stakeholders showed interest in cooperative partnerships, demonstrating the NIC project’s potential to have a substantial impact on education in the Far Western regions.Besides, the team also visited the Provincial Research Centre office in Doti for the planning and development of the IT lab in that center.

NIC Project Team Gains Strong Support and Forges Collaborations During Productive Visit to Far Western Province

The NIC Hub Project team of Digital Learning Research Lab visited the Far Western province of Nepal from January 7 – January 13, 2024. The team consisting of Dr. Sushil Shrestha (Country Lead), Manish Joshi (MEL officer) and Pratit Raj Giri (Researcher) had fruitful interactions with different stakeholders. Meetings were held with the Chief Secretary from the Chief Minister Office, Secretary from the Ministry of Social Development, incharge of Provincial Research Centre and local government. The discussions were focused on integrating the course contents developed by the research lab team. Positive feedback and ways to move forward suggestions were received from different stakeholders.

Stakeholders indicated interest in working with several units of governmental offices for implementation, offering technical support to nearby towns, and executing the project outcomes in different schools. Stakeholders showed interest in cooperative partnerships, demonstrating the NIC project’s potential to have a substantial impact on education in the Far Western regions.

Besides, the team also visited the Provincial Research Centre office in Doti for the planning and development of the IT lab in that center.

Exploring Collaborative Opportunities in Karnali Province: NIC Project Team’s Impactful Visit

The NIC project team’s recent visit to Karnali province, spanning December 27th and 28th, was marked by impactful engagements with various stakeholders. One key highlight was the meeting with Dr. Bhojraj Sharma, the Secretary of the Ministry of Social Development, where discussions focused on utilizing the NIC project’s open course to provide essential training for school leaders. Dr. Sharma emphasized the critical need for such courses in rural areas, addressing equity and inclusion concerns. Simultaneously, collaborations were explored with Mid-Western University, particularly the Graduate School of Education, during a meeting attended by academic leaders. The project team’s efforts to forge partnerships and disseminate knowledge about the NIC project garnered positive responses from both governmental and educational bodies.

On the subsequent day, the project team orchestrated a stakeholder meeting with eight INGOs/NGOs in the education sector, leading to fruitful discussions on potential collaborations. Stakeholders expressed interest in implementing the NIC project in model schools, providing technical assistance to local municipalities, and coordinating with country offices for systematic implementation. The team also conducted a knowledge dissemination event at the Education Training Center, emphasizing the impact of the open course on school leaders. Positive feedback was received, with commitments from the Education Training Center and Birendranagar Municipality officials to support the project’s training initiatives. These collaborative efforts showcase the NIC project’s potential to significantly influence education in Karnali province, with diverse stakeholders expressing enthusiasm for future joint endeavors.


Successful Stakeholders Meeting: Unveiling Impact Findings and Fostering Collaboration

In a dynamic gathering on December 17, our organization hosted a stakeholders meeting to present our latest impact findings and discuss collaborative opportunities. The meeting served as a platform to showcase the positive outcomes achieved through our projects, spanning community development and environmental sustainability. Stakeholders actively engaged in the discussions, expressing not only appreciation for our impact but also a strong desire to contribute actively to our ongoing initiatives. Their enthusiasm and commitment were evident as they shared ideas on financial support, volunteering, and leveraging their expertise to further our organizational goals.

Expressing our heartfelt gratitude, we acknowledge the valuable time and contributions of all participants. Their active involvement underscores a shared commitment to making a positive difference. As we move forward, energized by the collaborative spirit of the meeting, we are poised to turn these commitments into tangible actions that will drive meaningful change. The success of our projects is a testament to the power of collective efforts, and we look forward to a future marked by continued collaboration and shared success.



Title: Dr. Sushil Shrestha Presents NIC Hub Project at KIX National Steering Committee Meeting

In a recent gathering of education experts and stakeholders, Dr. Sushil Shrestha, Head of the Research Lab, took center stage at the Knowledge Innovation Exchange (KIX) National Steering Committee Meeting held at Hotel Himalaya on November 17. Dr. Shrestha had the distinct honor of briefing attendees about the Networked Improvement Communities (NIC) Hub Project, proudly recognized as one of the esteemed KIX grantees.

The meeting provided a platform for Dr. Shrestha to share insights into the NIC Hub Project’s objectives, methodologies, and the significant strides made in fostering inclusive education and leadership development. Attendees were captivated by the innovative approaches employed in the project, which aims to address educational inequalities through collaborative small-scale experiments.

As a KIX grantee, the NIC Hub Project aligns with the overarching mission of Knowledge Innovation Exchange, contributing valuable perspectives and practices to the educational landscape. Dr. Shrestha’s presentation highlighted the impact of the project on school leaders, emphasizing the positive changes observed in inclusive practices and community engagement.

The KIX National Steering Committee Meeting served as a crucial juncture for exchanging ideas, fostering collaborations, and showcasing projects that are making a tangible difference in education. Dr. Sushil Shrestha’s participation and presentation underscore the commitment to advancing inclusive education and the project’s recognition as a noteworthy contributor within the KIX community.

The NIC Hub Project continues to make strides, thanks to the dedication of Dr. Shrestha and the collaborative efforts of all involved. The insights shared during this meeting will undoubtedly contribute to the ongoing dialogue on effective strategies for creating positive and sustainable changes in education, aligning with the broader goals of KIX.

Insights from a Pilot Study Presented at the September 15th Conference

At the TVET Conference on September 15th, researchers unveiled their latest findings on the “Relevance of the Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) Cycle in Creating Inclusive Environments in TVET Schools.” This pioneering research, based on a comprehensive pilot study of School Education, highlighted the transformative potential of the PDSA Cycle in enhancing inclusivity within Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions. By implementing the PDSA Cycle effectively, TVET schools can better accommodate students with diverse learning needs and backgrounds, ultimately preparing them for success in the workforce. The presentation sparked significant interest and discussions among attendees, positioning this research as a catalyst for positive change in the field of TVET and the advancement of inclusivity in education.

Groundbreaking Research Article at LIKE Conference on September 29th”

Researchers  presented their latest research article at the  “LIKE Conference” scheduled for September 29th. This conference was an exciting forum for the exchange of innovative ideas and the dissemination of cutting-edge research findings. The presented research article is anticipated to contribute significantly to the body of knowledge in its respective field and inspire discussions and collaborations among scholars and experts attending the event. With a diverse range of topics and perspectives, the LIKE Conference aims to foster a stimulating environment for intellectual growth and exploration.

Stakeholders meeting at CEHRD, Ministry of Education.

In a recent stakeholders meeting held at the Center for Educational and Human Resource Development (CEHRD), Ministry of Education, on October 8, a pivotal initiative was unveiled to promote equitable practices and inclusion in education. The Ministry introduced an innovative open course platform that aims to provide equal educational opportunities for all, regardless of socio-economic backgrounds. This groundbreaking approach will not only bridge the gap in access to quality education but also foster an inclusive learning environment where every individual can thrive and contribute to society’s progress. The Ministry’s commitment to this endeavor reflects a promising step towards a more equitable and inclusive education system..

Closing Ceremony and Certificate Distribution Ceremony

In a significant event held on August 19, Sindhuli commemorated the successful culmination of the Networked Improvement Communities for Equity and Inclusive Practices in Schools project. The closing ceremony was a testament to the dedication and commitment of school leaders and enumerators who actively participated in the initiative to promote equity and inclusivity within the local education landscape. Their invaluable contributions were acknowledged as they received certificates of completion, underscoring their months-long involvement in the project.

Over the course of the project, which spanned almost half year, these educational stakeholders collaborated to devise strategies that addressed disparities in education and worked towards fostering a more inclusive environment in schools. This collaborative effort between local educational authorities and a renowned non-governmental organization aimed to create lasting changes in the region’s education system. The ceremony not only celebrated the completion of objectives but also served as a platform for reflection, sharing insights gained, and inspiring continued efforts towards equitable and inclusive education practices in Sindhuli.

Global Meeting in Istanbul Turkey

The Digital Learning Research Lab Team from academic institutions worldwide presented their research on inclusive education and equitable practices in schools at a global meeting organized by the Network Improvement Communities (NIC) project. The team aimed to address barriers to equal access to quality education for all students, with a focus on vulnerable and marginalized groups. The research found that leveraging technology and tailored teaching approaches can enhance student engagement and academic outcomes. Representatives from Nepal, Pakistan, and Afghanistan praised the team’s efforts and committed to adopting evidence-based practices to create a more inclusive learning environment. The NIC project aims to promote equitable and quality education for every child, regardless of socio-economic background or special needs.

Meeting at CEHRD for endorsement of developed course.

A meeting was held at Centre for Human Rights and Development, Sano Thimi to promote our course for inclusive education on 20th June, 2023. The main agenda was promoting our course on National level. The meeting brought together key stakeholders from educational institutions to discuss and have aggrements on inclusive education and equitable practices.

Digital Learning Lab and Writing and Communication Center signed MoU at KU School of Education

Digital learning Lab and Writing and Communication Center signed MoU to provide translation services for transcripts and reflection services. The MoU was signed on 20th June 2023 at School of Education located at Hattiban.

NIC Hub Project Team Meets Inclusive Education Department of Center for Education and Human Resource Development of Sanothimi to Strengthen Collaboration and Coordination for Developed Course

The NIC Hub Project team recently met with the Inclusive Education Department of Center for Education and Human Resource Development of Sanothimi , Nepal. The meeting aimed to strengthen ties between academia and government by sharing the team’s work and exploring collaboration opportunities. Discussions focused on integrating project outcomes into government initiatives to enhance education quality in Bagmati Province as well as the expansion in national level. This meeting marks the start of a promising partnership between the NIC Hub team and the government, aiming to revolutionize the educational landscape in the region.

NIC Hub Project Team Meets Head of Education Training Center to Strengthen Collaboration and Coordination for Developed Course

Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal – In a proactive effort to forge stronger ties between academia and government, the NIC Hub Project team recently conducted a meeting with the Head of Education Training Center (ETC). The gathering, held at the Education Training Center premises in Dhulikhel, Kavre, served as a platform to extend and disseminate the team’s work to government stakeholders. The discussions primarily revolved around future collaboration opportunities and exploring ways to incorporate project outcomes through government agencies.

The meeting, organized jointly by the Digital Learning Research Lab at Kathmandu University and the Education Training Center, focused on fostering collaboration and coordination for the developed course. The participants, including members of the NIC Hub team and the esteemed director of ETC, engaged in fruitful conversations on how the project outcomes could be effectively integrated into various government initiatives. The goal was to ensure the seamless dissemination and implementation of the developed course, ultimately enhancing the quality and accessibility of education across Bagmati Province. This significant step marks the beginning of a promising partnership between the NIC Hub Project team and government entities, aimed at revolutionizing the educational landscape in the region.

NIC HUB Enumerators Workshop on Data Analysis and Interpretation

NIC Hub organized Enumerators Workshop on Data Analysis and Interpretation on May 18 ,2023 where Dr. Hem Raj Kafle provided insight on how to transcript, translate the data collected by the enumerators. Our enumerators actively participated on this workshop.

Stakeholders Meeting in Sindhuli

Stakeholders meeting was held  on April 29 2023 in Sindhuli and led by Hari sir and Sushil Sir. All the stakeholders expressed their opinions , concerns and future scope of this project. They detailly interacted about the impacts this project will have on their communities.

School Leaders Training in Sindhuli

School leaders training was conducted by Devi Ram sir which was supported by Hari Sir and Sushil Sir on April 29,2023.How to answer the question in the open course or how can they engage more on the moodle was discussed where our school leaders also shared their experience. The training was very interactive and all the participants cleared their doubts and confusion.

Enumerators training in Sindhuli

Enumerators training was held on April 28,2023 in Sindhuli where it was led by Pratit Raj Giri and Dristi Thapa. The Enumerator also shared their experience.The proceedings of the second phase were also briefed.

KIX Grantee & KIX Coordination Committee Meeting

Attended and discussed possibilities of collaborative work within and beyond KIX grantee and KIX National Committee and also planning for the knowledge mobilization through an international conference. The meet was focused on knowledge mobilization and capacity building for each on-going project at Kathmandu University School of Management, Balkumari on 31 March 2023 organized by Learning, Innovation & Knowledge Exchange (LIKE) Lab, Kathmandu University School of Arts where KIX Grantees participated.

Attended KIX Grantee Event


As a KIX grantee, we attended the event and provided our research works and information sharing between other KIX and outside KIX stakeholders on 28 February, 2023.  Learning, Innovation & Knowledge Exchange (LIKE) Lab, Kathmandu University School of Arts organized this event named Educational Programs, Interventions and Practices: Exploring pathways to Strengthen Inclusive Accessibility of Rural Public Education at Inderini Events, New Baneshwor where KIX Grantees, NGO’s and INGO’s working in the field of Inclusive Education participated.

Tablet Distribution in Sindhuli and Bardibas


Tablet distribution took place at Sindhuli and Bardibas to the Head Teachers and Facilitators for NIC Hub Project MOOC course on 24 February 2023 . We also collected feedbacks and progress on MOOC courses and interaction between NIC’s.


Critical Reading and Developmental Testing of Open Course

The open course was critically reviewed by 2 experts in the education sector. The critical readers provided a feedback form provided by KIX. The comments were integrated before moving to developmental testing. Dev Testing was done on 13 Jan 2023 in Kathmandu where 8 head teachers from Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur were invited to test the course. The HTs were further grouped into 4 groups of 2 to look into 2 sections each in an in depth manner. We really liked the idea of the course to tackle micro problems of inclusion through activities in sections and comments were provided and are being integrated into the course and LMS.

Induction Meeting with School Leaders

After selection of the school leaders by selected municipalities to enroll in the action learning open course, the project team conducted an induction meeting from 7-8 December, 2022 to brief about the project, the open course, school leaders’ involvement and on how to access and use the course. We joined with Kamalamai Municipality, Sindhuli, Bagmati Province on 7 Jan where 15 male and 7 female school leaders joined us  totaling to 21. On 8 December we were joined by a total of 13 school leaders in Bardibas Municipality, Mahottari, Madhesh Province.

Induction and Training to Field Enumerators from Sindhuli

On Jan 6 and 7 we conducted induction and training to Field Enumerators from Sindhuli where we hired 5 local enumerators including 1 male and 4 female.We mainly focused on Induction about the project and also provided our school leaders with Ethics Training. File handling and storage training were also provided. We did In Depth discussion on consent form, information sheet and other research instruments to be used during data collection. Role play session with 2 head teachers from Sindhuli was conducted on 13 Jan 2023 to make the enumerators more comfortable in using the research instruments and in data collection.

National KIX Coordination Committee Meet with KIX Grantees

There are altogether 8 GPE KIX projects in Nepal each of which aspires to improve the educational learning outcomes thereby enhancing and strengthening the overall education system. Multiple interventions have been deployed to achieve the aspiration. In this due course, the learning and experiences have been rich and vast. Therefore, the program was organized to bring the National KIX Coordination Committee and KIX grantees in one space for the exchange of knowledge and to have an overview of status of the KIX projects including: intervention, progress, successes and challenges. Dr. Sushil Shrestha, Co-PI and Ms. Lumanti Siddhi Bajracharya, Project Coordinator presented about our project, NIC for School Leaders towards Equity and Inclusion on 28th December. The project members are happy to welcome the new National KIX Coordination Committee, which is composed of Prof. Dr. Bal Chandra Luitel, KU School of Education Dr. Hari Prasad Lamsal, MoEST , Dr. Bishnu Khanal, TU Institute of Education , Dr. Jiban Khadka, Nepal Open University, Dr. Laxmi Paudyal, Save the Children, Mr. Jaya Prasad Acharya.

Research Workshop

Research Workshop was organized from 14 to 17 December 2022 where Dr. Deborah Cooper and Dr. Saraswati Dawadi from the global team visited Nepal for this event. On 14th Dec we had a school visit and it was followed by a visit to the ministry of education on 15th Dec. From these visits we tried to to understand the scenario of inclusive education and education practices in Nepal. After these visits we conducted our main workshop from 16th to 17th Dec which was attended by the project team members, members from global team as well as subject expert consultants where we discussed research questions, research instruments, work plan, research framework and the selection of school leaders. At the end of this workshop VC Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa visited and extended his regards for the successful implementation of the project

Project Infographics

Click Here to view the latest project infographic.


Knowledge Sharing at Education Training Center

A meeting was organized between project team members of “Networked Improvement Communities for School leaders towards equity and inclusion” and “Education Training Center(ETC) Dhulikhel, Kavre” on 8 April 2022. The team observed the head teachers training and also shared about the project to the head teachers in the training. ETC has agreed to support our project in the possible ways.

2-Day Workshop on “Leading Schools in Changing Times”

A 2-day workshop program on “Leading Schools in Changing Times” was organized by Kathmandu University School of Education (KUSoED) in collaboration with Ullens Education Foundation (UEF). The main objective of the workshop was to make school leaders know about progressive education in changing times. The speakers of the workshop were Prof. Sabnam Koirala(Dean School of Education, University of San Francisco), Prof. Bal Chandra Luitel (Dean, School of Education, Kathmandu University), Prof. Dhanapati Subedi (KUSoEd), Prof. Laxman Gnawali (KUSoEd), Dr. Hari Lamsal (Joint Secretary, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology). The final session was a panelist discussion with practitioners. Our researchers participated in the workshop as volunteers. 

Webinar on “Education Policy and Planning: A Dialogue on Pathways to Strengthening Access, Inclusion, and Equity in Public Education”

A webinar on “Education Policy and Planning: A Dialogue on Pathways to Strengthening Access, Inclusion, and Equity in Public Education” was held on 28 January 2022 via Zoom Meeting. The webinar was conducted by KIX IDRC supported grant project titled ‘Effectiveness and Scalability of Programs for children who are out of school and at risk of dropping out in Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal’ led by Kathmandu University School of Arts.

Dr. Hari Lamsal (Joint-Secretary, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Nepal) and Dr. Tulashi Prasad Thapaliya (Joint-Secretary, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Nepal) were the presenter. Dr. Hari Lamsal presented “A policy in regards to strengthening public education, Out of School Children, and dropout” and Dr. Tulashi Prasad Thapaliya presented “Current plans of MoEST in regards to public education”.

Stakeholder meeting with other KIX Grantee of Nepal

A meeting was organized between project team members of “Networked Improvement Communities for School leaders towards equity and inclusion” and “Effectiveness and Scalability of Programs for Children who are Out Of School and At-Risk of Dropping Out” on 13 January 2022.

For more details:

Reflection on Stakeholders Meeting

Stakeholder Meeting-2

Networked Improvement Communities for School Leaders towards Equity and Inclusion project conducted a stakeholder meeting on 24 December 2021 at CV Raman Senate Hall, Kathmandu University Central Campus, Dhulikhel. The stakeholders from 14 different organizations came together to discuss the project.

Stakeholder Meeting-1

Networked Improvement Communities for School Leaders towards Equity and Inclusion project team visited Kamalamai Municipality, Sindhuli, Nepal for the stakeholders meeting from 13 August to 15 August 2021. The identified key stakeholders were school leaders (for research), local government (for policy-level intervention), the Curriculum Development
Centre (for the course design), and the Ministry of Social Development Education Training Centre (MOSD-ETC).

For more details:

Report on Stakeholders meeting

MoU Signing Ceremony between Kathmandu University and Kamalamai Municipality

A MoU signing ceremony was held between Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal, and KamalaMai Municipality, Sindhuli, Nepal at the Central Campus of Kathmandu University on 16 July, 2021.

For more details:

MoU Signing Ceremony between Kathmandu University and Kamalamai Municipality


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