Project dissemination amplifies our initiative’s impact, sharing success stories and participant experiences. Through workshops, collaborations, and digital platforms, we aim to inspire replication, inform policies, and build a community of practice, fostering sustained positive changes in inclusive education and leadership development.


  1. Sushil Shrestha, Lina Gurung, Devi Ram Acharya Pratit Raj Giri, Manish Joshi, and Dristi Thapa, “Relevance of Plan Do Study and Act (PDSA) Cycle in Creating Inclusive Environment in TVET Schools: Implications from a pilot study of School Education”  International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 2023, 15 September, 2023, Kathmandu, Nepal (Click here for the abstract)
  2. Manish Joshi, Aarsh Manandhar, Jasmine Twati, Pratit Raj Giri and Sushil Shrestha’ “Exploring Government School Leaders; Engagement in Open Courses: Analysis, Insights, and Implications” ,Like Conference, 29th September,2023 ,Kathmandu , Nepal (Click here for the abstract)
  3. School Leaders’ Activities and Actions towards Inclusive Education and Equitable Practice in Government Schools of Nepal, Like Conference, 29th September,2023 , Kathmandu, Nepal (Click here for the abstract)
  4. Freda Wolfenden, Deborah Cooper, Saraswati Dawadi, Zahid Majeed, Munir Ibrahimi and Sushil Shrestha, “Promoting inclusion at scale with school leader network communities supported by open resources: researching participant needs and priorities”, Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning, 15-16 September, 2022, Calgary, Canada.(Click here for the abstract)
  5. Deviram Acharya, Sushil Shrestha, Pratit Raj Giri, Manish Joshi and Hari Pokharel, “Policy and Practice Paradox for Creating the Inclusive School”, Like Conference, 29th September,2023 , Kathmandu, Nepal

  6. Lumanti Siddhi Bajracharya, Pratit Raj Giri, Shristi Shakya, Manish Joshi, Sushil Shrestha and Manish Pokharel, “Ict and its use in increasing equity and inclusion in school practice across Nepal: findings from initial research with school leaders” (Click here for the abstract

  7. Lumanti Siddhi Bajracharya, Pratit Raj Giri, Shristi Shakya, Manish Joshi, Sushil Shrestha,
    Manish Pokharel, Jagat Bahadur Ale Magar and Mandira Neupane, ‘School Leaders’ Views and Challenges Associated with Inclusion in
    Government Schools in Nepal’ , TERSD-2022_3-Novemeber-2022, Nepal (Click here for abstract)





Blogging serves as a dynamic platform for disseminating project insights, fostering engagement, and reaching a diverse audience. Our blog series aims to distill the essence of our initiatives, sharing compelling stories, lessons learned, and practical strategies. Through this accessible medium, we endeavor to create a virtual space where educators, leaders, and stakeholders can interact, learn, and contribute to the discourse on inclusive education and leadership development. From firsthand accounts to in-depth analyses, our blog series offers a rich tapestry of experiences and knowledge, inviting readers to join the conversation and be part of the positive changes we strive to inspire in the education landscape. Welcome to our blog, where ideas, innovation, and impact converge! The link is in the heading of each blog.

Blog 1 : Context of Inclusive Education policies and practices in Nepal

Blog 2 : Introduction to Course and Expected outcomes of the Course

Blog 3 : Experiences so far with head teachers and working with NIC’s

Blog 4 : School Leaders Pioneer Action Research for Inclusive Education: Transforming Education for All

Blog 5 : Local Government Pioneers Inclusive Education Audit through Open Course: A Path to a More Inclusive Future

Blog 6 : Headteachers Take Proactive Measures to Improve Education: Evidence-Based Strategies Yield Positive Outcomes

Blog 7 : Impact of Open Course on Students, Parents, and Schools: A Transformative Journey

Blog 8 : Empowering Communities: A Cross-Communication Approach to Overcoming Educational Challenges

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